Berd Capital, through joint venture partnerships and structured investment vehicles, engages in residential and mixed use development projects. We employ opportunistic and value-added approach where prospects for achieving premium returns are optimized along the market cycle and risk spectrum.
Berd Development Partners (BDP) platform enables individual and institutional investors to participate in real estate development as fully engaged partners from project inception to closure.
Berd Capital offers a suite of development services ranging from site planning and consolidation to architectural design, construction and project management. Design, cost efficiency and environmental sustainability are at the core of our development activities.
Berd Core+ Partners
Investors seeking to benefit from strong cashflow and value enhancement opportunities are invited to consider Berd Core+ Partners (BCP) platform. BCP funds focus on prime office and retail space in coveted high-traffic, high-demand locations primarily in Canadian markets.
Intended for institutional and high net worth individuals, the BCP platform is open-ended and focuses on mid to long-term real estate holdings with liquidity features. Berd Capital employs a mix of strategies including leverage, repositioning and redevelopment.